Don't waste your time, the perfect career move does not exist – Business News (Trending Perfect)


Often, career decisions are made to be extremely important, but very few decisions are final.

In sports, referees and referees are the first to decide in a decision-making process that is ultimately determined by the interpretation of video evidence. Even then, it is claimed.

We can challenge decisions in many aspects of life, so why stress so hard to make a decision

We can challenge decisions in many aspects of life, so why do we push so hard to make the “right” decision in our careers?credit: iStock

We have all learned in the legal field the dangers of prematurely convicting defendants found guilty or celebrating the innocence of someone found innocent until all avenues of appeal have been exhausted. This may take years. Sometimes it's stressful to make a decision.

In academic settings, students can appeal their grades. At work, unfair dismissal claims can be made. Sports and law have long recognized the need for appeals processes because they recognize that the decision-making process can often be a flawed process.

Generally and traditionally, judges and referees are appointed with experience and senior ranks in their respective fields. The old saying that I was a cricketer until I lost my sight, and then I became an umpire, contains more than a grain of truth.

So, in many areas, important decisions are left to those who have been there, done this and that, seen a thing or two, and are not easily swayed by tricks of the trade, appeals to emotion and other impediments to a good decision. -to prepare.

Much has been written about how to make good career decisions. Much of it is trite, simplistic, unrealistic and ultimately unhelpful.

Despite employing the best referees, these referees can and do make mistakes. Even the video referees got it wrong. In football, there are many who positively dislike the Video Assistant Referee (VAR) system because it can seem very subjective despite the technology.

However, we still expect individuals to “make” career decisions that are likely to have profound impacts on their lives, livelihoods, mental and sometimes physical well-being, and financial health.



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